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Abilities Center of Southern New Jersey

We assisted Employment Programs for military Veterans and people with disabilities. Abilities’ “Assess, Develop, Employ” model provides a comprehensive menu of services to assist the target population toward financial stability, identify strengths, overcome challenges, connect with community resources, and find competitive employment. Unique for Veterans is Vet to Vet service delivery which includes Veteran only supports and basic needs stabilization.  United Way funded a part-time Job Site Developer to increase the number of competitive job settings available; supported Annual Career Day; and covered unfunded 50 day trial programs for people seeking highly supported facility based employment.

Abilities Solutions has been providing workforce development to the target population in South Jersey since 1963. Assessment lays the foundation for a realistic vocational path through counseling, testing, and work trials. Job readiness skills are further developed through hands-on paid training experiences, job readiness classes, job clubs and fairs, and workplace related committees. Employment within a facility based work area (light industrial, warehouse, commercial food, and janitorial) provides transitional structured jobs for those with the most severe challenges until a competitive opportunity can be achieved. Job placement and long-term coaching matches employers with persons served. This multi-faceted program provides a seamless transition and enhances likelihood of job retention. In the event of a setback the person can easily re-enter the program at any phase.

This successful model of service is used for both youth and adults with disabilities, military Veterans and their families. Each year Abilities Solutions secures an additional 110+ competitive jobs, which returns approximately $10 per $1 invested back into the community. Approximately 900 people are served each year. The organization is accredited by CARF (Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities). An extensive network of public and private partnerships enhance the success of the programs.

While unemployment rates for the general population are at the lowest level in years, unemployment for people with disabilities continues to be approximately 75% based on national and state reporting. Abilities Solutions is continually striving to build new partnerships and innovate program offerings to result in more employment opportunities for all persons served. Executive leadership of the organization is actively involved in advocacy and planning on local, statewide and national levels. Abilities represents the best of both worlds in terms of meeting the social service/workforce development needs of the community and meeting the business community through its own business enterprises.

How to make a donation:


Send checks payable to "FUND NAME" and send to:
Community Foundation of South Jersey
P.O. Box 446
Haddonfield, NJ 08033


For contributions of appreciated securities, please be sure to notify Lee Albright, lalbright@communityfoundationsj.org, 856-528-3385 regarding your gift at the time of transfer. In this way, stocks can easily be identified, retrieved, sold, and directed to your fund without delay. Please direct all stock contributions to:

Fidelity Investments
DTC Number: 0226
Account Number: X39-154555
Account Name: Community Foundation of New Jersey, our parent organization, for further credit to the Fund.

For current year tax benefits, contributions must be received by December 31. Please note that with some brokerage houses we have experienced that security transfers may take 14–21 days for settlement, so please plan accordingly with your year-end giving to your fund.

Cash Wire Transfer

For wiring instructions for cash contributions, please contact Lee Albright, lalbright@communityfoundationsj.org or Patty Heath at pheath@cfnj.org or 973.267.5533, x223

Outside Donor Advised Fund

For making a grant from a DAF with another charity organization, make the grant to Community Foundation of New Jersey - Fund Name, EIN 22-2281783, PO Box 446, Haddonfield, NJ 08033, please notify Lee Albright when making the grant at lalbright@communityfoundationsj.org, 856-528-3385

Questions? Call 856-528-3385.

Abilities Center of Southern New Jersey d//b/a Abilities Solutions

Nominating Funder:
United Way of Gloucester County

Length of Funding Relationship:
More than 5 years

Date of last review:
November 2019

1208 Delsea Drive, Westville NJ 08093
